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items of 535 on page
- K-12 and postsecondary alignment: racial/ethnic differences in freshmen course-taking and performance at California's community colleges (1)
- K-12 non-graduate success and pursuing public post-secondary studies (1)
- Ka hikitia: managing for success: the Maori education strategy 2008-2012 (1)
- Ka nanakia hoki ki te numeracy: better than before (1)
- Kaikaikaroro: enhancing student success: the learnings from Wananga (1)
- Kakadu national park as a case study in workplace literacy (1)
- Kalgoorlie College eleventh annual report for the year ending 31 December 1993 (1)
- Kameoka Lifelong Learning Foundation in Japan (1)
- Kampus Merdeka: Indonesia's once-in-a-generation response to educational reform (1)
- KANFED and the adult education scene in Kerala (1)
- Kangan and developments in TAFE teacher education (2)
- Kangan and research (1)
- Kangan and statistics (1)
- Kangan reimagined: enhancing student capabilities to meet the changing nature of work [keynote] (1)
- Kangan's golden anniversary: using discourses of disadvantage to justify federal governments' enthusiasm for vocational education (1)
- Kangan: 20 years on: a commemoration: TAFE 1974-1994 (1)
- Kangaroo Island tourism employment plan (1)
- Kansas community colleges' 'class of 1987' five-year longitudinal study (1)
- Karen Nelson, John Clarke, Sally Kift, Tracy Creagh (1)
- Karen youth transitions at the Thai-Myanmar border (1)
- Karlskrona employer ring, Sweden: fostering employability (1)
- Karpin Report - TAFE's role (1)
- Karpin report one year on (1)
- Karpin Report revisited: leadership and management challenges in Australia (1)
- Karpin Report: implications for TAFE (1)
- Karpin: a critical review (1)
- Karratha College 1999 annual report (1)
- Karratha College annual report 1998 (1)
- Karratha College: Women: Leadership and management program, final report (1)
- Karriere om der IT-Branche: Berufeinstieg, Tatigkeitsprofile, Zukunftschancen = IT careers: training, occupational profiles, employment prospects (1)
- Karrierestrategien: so trainieren ihr Fuhrungstalent = Career strategies: how women develop management skills (1)
- Kasha and quality in Kyrgyzstan: donors, diversity, and dis-integration in higher education (1)
- Katanning workforce development plan 2015-2018 (1)
- Katu Kalpa: report on the inquiry into the effectiveness of education and training programs for Indigenous Australians (1)
- Kaulder Jibbijah 2002: our working partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (1)
- Kaulder Jibbijah: our working partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (1)
- Kaupapa whanau: building learning communities based on common interest (1)
- Kazakhstan: ETF country analysis 2005 (1)
- Kazakhstan: ETF country plan 2007 (1)
- KCCS, Austria: fostering employability (1)
- Keep Australia Working (1)
- Keep calm and credential on: linking learning, life and work practices in a complex world (1)
- Keep me in, coach: the short- and long-term effects of targeted academic coaching (1)
- Keep taking the tablets?: assessing the use of tablet devices in learning and teaching activities in the further education sector (1)
- Keep the caps off!: student access and choice in higher education (1)
- Keep them coming back: an investigation and analysis of adult eikaiwa classes in Japan (1)
- Keep your distance (1)
- Keeping a sense of proportion: the impact of sponsored research in the Australian adult literacy and numeracy field: perspectives on the period 1999-2000 (1)
- Keeping afloat: how ACE organisations adapt in uncertain times (1)
- Keeping at-risk students in school: a systematic review of college retention programs (1)