Bridget Wibrow
Senior Research Officer
Research and Data Analytics
National Centre for Vocational Educaiton Research (NCVER)
Bridget is an experienced VET researcher within the Research and Data Analytics branch at NCVER, where she has worked for over 14 years. Bridget is a skilled researcher drawing on a wide range of methodologies. Her previous work has focused on incorporating transferable skills, such as generic and digital skills, into VET courses; investigating the outcomes of training; and streamlining qualification development. She is particularly interested in the flow on effects to teaching and learning. During her career, Bridget has also worked closely with early career researchers, including VET practitioners, to help develop and hone their research skills and critical thinking.
Developing the skills of TVET students through immersive learning tools
(Source: UNESCO-UNEVOC, April 2024)
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