This page provides access to the current and archived information from NCVER's statistical collections and surveys, as well as the tools designed to help manage and interrogate this data.
Data on all persons employed under a training contract and includes both apprentices and trainees.
Current release
All releases in VOCEDplus:
Data on all Australian VET activity, including enrolments, completions and funding.
Data on the flow and distribution of government contributions that stimulate or support publicly-subsidised VET activity in Australia.
Data on the revenue and expenditure, assets and liabilities of government vocational education and training (VET) in Australia.
Data on VET undertaken by school students as part of their secondary senior certificate of education (SSCE).
This survey collected information on the outcomes of apprentices and trainees who completed (completers) or cancelled or withdrew (non-completers) from an apprenticeship or traineeship.
Survey of Australian employers on training choices and satisfaction with the VET system.
10-year survey of young Australians as they move from school to further study and work.
Survey of VET student outcomes from, and satisfaction with, our national training system.
Mapping resource providing detailed information in total VET activity.
National data standard which ensures the consistency and accuracy of VET information.
All releases in VOCEDplus:
DataBuilder is a fast and easy-to-use tool to construct tables using NCVER data. It allows users to instantly access data from all NCVER collections from the one place, customise data outputs, and export data to MS Excel for further analysis.
Data visualisation on international and domestic students of VET delivered by Australian training providers.
Data visualisation on the outcomes of graduates who completed VET in Australia.
Tool that enables users to construction their own tables using data from NCVER collections and surveys.
See more statistical resources in VOCEDplus.