Policy initiatives > Government bodies
This section provides a brief overview of the authorities, bodies, entities and agencies established by the state and territory governments to support the training system.
► See also: The Australian Government Department of Finance has produced a comprehensive explanation of the types of Australian Government Bodies and the Australian Government Organisations Register lists Australian Government bodies by portfolio and type.
NSW Skills Board
The NSW Skills Board advises the NSW Government on how best to meet the skills and training needs of NSW individuals, industry, regions and the economy. The board provides independent, high level, strategic advice on the vocational education and training system in NSW. The Board is also responsible for overseeing major reform of the vocational education and training system in NSW. This includes the shift to a more contestable training market, funding allocations, training outcomes, quality assurance and budget sustainability under Smart and Skilled. The NSW Skills Board was established under the Skills Board Act 2013, which received assent on the 27 November 2013. The NSW Skills Board replaces the Board of Vocational Education and Training (BVET).
Technical and Further Education Commission (TAFE NSW)
TAFE NSW is the NSW Government's public provider of vocational education and training (VET). The New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission (trading as TAFE NSW), was established as a statutory agency by the Technical and Further Education Commission Act 1990 (NSW).
Vocational Training Tribunal (VTT)
The VTT is a statutory body in New South Wales responsible for trade skills recognition, resolving complaints and disputes and considering applications for the transfer, suspension, cancellation and variation of apprenticeships and traineeships. The VTT, established under the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001, is a continuation of the Vocational Training Board (VTB) established under the Industrial and Commercial Training Act 1989 (repealed).
Annual reports in VOCEDplus
Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board
The ACFE Board was established in March 1992 under the Adult, Community and Further Education Act 1991 to support the development of adult, community and further education, and is a statutory authority under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Its role is to plan and promote adult learning, allocate resources, develop policies, and advise the Minister for Training and Skills on matters related to adult education in Victoria. Adult, community and further education programs are funded by the Victorian Government through the board, and are offered within the adult and community education (ACE) sector. The ACE sector is made up of organisations and providers that include evening and community colleges, community adult education centres, neighbourhood houses, churches, schools, technical education institutes, universities (continuing education), and University of the Third Age (U3A). The Board also works with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
AMES Australia
AMES is a statutory authority under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Adult Multicultural Education Services, p. 214), and is accountable to the Minister for Training and Skills. It specialises in providing settlement, training and employment assistance to refugees and newly arrived migrants.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) was established in 2001 under the repealed Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Act 2000 and continues to operate under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (the Act). The VCAA is a statutory authority primarily accountable to the Minister for Education, serving both government and non-government schools. The VCAA is also responsible to the Minister for Education and the Minister for Training and Skills in relation to sections of Part 2.5 of the Act (p. 104) that they administer.
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA)
The VRQA is responsible for the regulation of education and training providers and qualifications in Victoria from home schooling to higher education. The VRQA is accountable to the Minister for Education in relation to the regulation of schools and to the Minister for Training and Skills in relation to the regulation of tertiary providers.
Victorian Skills Authority (VSA)
The VSA was established by the Victorian Government in July 2021 in response to the recommendations of the Skills for Victoria's Growing Economy Review. The VSA is the key link between Victoria's industries, training providers, employers, and communities, expanding on the work of the Office of the Victorian Skills Commissioner, with an enhanced focus on data, analysis, and place-based training solutions. It also takes on oversight of the VET Development Centre, which promotes professional development for training practitioners, and for the Skills and Jobs Centres, the TAFE and Training Line, and the Victorian Skills Gateway that support students and job-seekers. It will have a role to connect all parts of post-secondary education and training, including Learn Local providers (in the area of adult and community education) and VET offered through TAFEs, dual-sector universities and registered training providers. The VSA will work closely with another new entity, the Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery (OTCD), within the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions.
The Office of the Victorian Skills Commissioner was established in February 2016, following the appointment of Mr Neil Coulson as the first Victorian Skills Commissioner in December 2015. The VSC provided advice to the Minister for Training and Skills on how the training system can better support the economy and jobs by addressing skills shortages, meeting workforce training needs and boosting productivity for employers; how industry input can lead to more strategic and targeted interventions to align the training system with industry needs; the training needs of existing and emerging industries; promoting training pathways that lead to jobs and skills development in the workforce; and addressing the training and workforce development needs of Victoria's regions. The VSC's initial focus was to establish and oversee a new industry engagement framework to ensure training aligns with Victoria's labour market requirements which was launched on 10 August 2016.
The Victorian Skills Commission was an advisory body established in July 2007 to provide advice to the state government on post compulsory education and training; provide funding for training and further education; regulate the apprenticeship and traineeship system; and support the Local Learning and Employment Networks. It replaced the Victorian Learning and Employment Skills Commission (VLESC), which operated between 2001 and 2007. The Victorian Skills Commission ceased operating from 1 January 2013.
Annual reports in VOCEDplus
Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (BCITF)
The BCITF, trading as Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ), was established on 1 January 1999 to assist in the acquisition and enhancement of the knowledge, skills, training and education of workers in the building and construction industry.
Jobs Queensland
Jobs Queensland was established as a statutory entity in January 2016 under the Jobs Queensland Act 2015 to provide independent advice to assist Government in prioritising its investment in vocational education and training (VET) in Queensland. Jobs Queensland brings together industry, employers and unions, regions and communities to gather information to inform its advice on anticipated skills demand, future workforce planning and development, and the apprenticeship and traineeship system. It works proactively across all levels of Government to shape advice and priorities that will facilitate a cohesive and capable workforce for now and the future.
Office of the Queensland Training Ombudsman
The Office of the Queensland Training Ombudsman (the Office) provides a free, confidential and independent service to review and resolve enquiries and complaints from stakeholders in the VET system, including apprentices, trainees, students, employers, training providers and other parties. The Queensland Government established the Office as part of its election commitment to reinvigorate the State's VET sector, and it commenced operation on 14 September 2015. The Office was originally established under Ministerial Charter and included the appointment of an Interim Queensland Training Ombudsman, pending the passage of legislation to amend the Further Education and Training Act 2014. The legislation was proclaimed on 22 April 2016 which formally established the statutory position. An appointment to the role of Queensland Training Ombudsman was made on 29 September 2016.
TAFE Queensland
TAFE Queensland was established as an independent statutory body on 1 July 2013 through the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 to operate on a not-for-profit basis as Queensland's public provider of VET.
Annual reports in VOCEDplus
Construction Industry Training Board (CITB)
CITB was established by the Construction Industry Training Fund Act 1993. CITB provides access to subsidised training for apprentices their employers and workers in the industry, promotes and supports careers in construction, advises the South Australian government on industry training, supports training innovation research and planning, and attracts the future workforce through vocational training in schools by supporting the doorways2construction program.
South Australian Skills Commission (SASC)
The SASC was established on 1 July 2021, under the South Australian Skills Act 2008, bringing together the functions of the former South Australian Training Advocate and the Training and Skills Commission. The SASC regulates the state's apprenticeship and traineeship system; engages with industry through the Industry Skills Councils; prepares the South Australian Skills Standards and other information; provides a complaint handling and dispute resolution service, mediation and advocacy which was previously provided by the South Australian Training Advocate; monitors and reports to the Minister on the state's role in vocational education and training (VET) and Adult Community Education (ACE); promotes career pathways between secondary schools, VET, ACE and higher education; and promotes lifelong learning and flexibility in the training system.
The South Australian Training and Skills Commission (TASC) began operations on 1 July 2003, under new legislation, the Training and Skills Development Act 2003 and was re-established 1 September 2008, under the Training and Skills Development Act 2008 (TSD Act) The purpose of the Commission was to assist, advise and make recommendations to the Minister responsible for VET on the skills and workforce development priorities for South Australia. The role and functions of the Commission are specified in the TSD Act, and it provided independent, strategic advice developed through direct consultation with industry and the community. Under the TSD Act, the Commission was responsible for regulating apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia. The Commission also had standing committees - a Traineeship and Apprenticeship Committee, which advised the Commission in relation to Part 4 of the TSD Act, and eight Industry Skills Councils (ISCs). ISCs were established from 1 January 2019 to provide a strengthened voice, directly to government, on the skills and training needs of industry, which continues under the SASC.
TAFE SA is South Australia's largest vocational education and training (VET) provider. TAFE SA is a statutory corporation owned by the South Australian Government, established by the TAFE SA Act 2012.
Annual reports in VOCEDplus
Industry training advisory bodies
Under section 21(1)(b) of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 the State Training Board recognises various industry training advisory bodies from which the Board takes advice for the purpose of drafting a State Training Plan or making recommendations to the Minister on apprenticeships and traineeships. The State Training Board currently recognises eight industry training advisory bodies: seven industry training councils funded by the Department of Training and Workforce Development; the Public Sector Commission for advice on State Government Administration; and the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) for advice on Local Government Administration.
State Training Board
The State Training Board is a statutory body established by Part 3 of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996, and is the peak industry training advisory body to the Minister for Education and Training in Western Australia. The key focus of the Board is to ensure WA has a quality vocational education and training (VET) system that enables people to develop skills and knowledge that support and meet the needs of industry. The Board comprises members appointed by the Minister for their industry expertise and their ability to make a high level contribution to the strategic direction of the State's VET system. A key function of the Board includes the preparation of the State Training Plan that provides a four year outlook into Western Australia's skills needs and priorities.
Training Accreditation Council (TAC)
Established as per Part 4 of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996, TAC is Western Australia's independent statutory body for the quality assurance and recognition of vocational education and training (VET) services. TAC's key responsibilities include the registration of WA training providers delivering nationally recognised VET training in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015; and accreditation of VET courses under the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).
Annual reports in VOCEDplus
Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC)
TASC is an independent statutory office responsible to the Tasmanian Minister for Education and Training. It is responsible for the development of appropriate standards, the accreditation of courses, and the assessment and certification of student achievement in senior secondary schooling across all educational sectors in Tasmania.
The Tasmanian Qualifications Authority (TQA) was the body responsible for assessment and certification in senior secondary Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) syllabuses and TQA accredited courses prior to becoming TASC in 2015. It recognised other awards and courses on the TCE including vocational education and training (VET) qualifications and competencies. The Authority was established under the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Act 2003 to combine and integrate the functions of three previous bodies: the Tasmanian Secondary Assessment Board (TASSAB), the Universities Registration Council (URC) and the Tasmanian Accreditation and Recognition Committee (TAReC).
Skills Tasmania
Skills Tasmania is a division under the Department of State Growth, and was established as an independent, statutory authority by Act of Parliament in July 2007 under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1994 (repealed by the Training and Workforce Development (Repeals and Consequential Amendments) Act 2013). Skills Tasmania replaced and subsumed the skills-related responsibilities of the Tasmanian Learning and Skills Authority (TLSA). It is responsible for the administration of the Tasmanian VET system.
Tasmanian Traineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (TTAC)
The Tasmanian Traineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (TTAC) is a statutory committee established under and governed by the Training and Workforce Development Act 2013 (the Act). The objective of the TTAC is to ensure that Tasmania has effective and accessible systems and procedures for training contracts and vocational placements. The TTAC issues guidelines and procedures for the operation of vocational placements and training contracts, and provides advice to the Minister on these matters. The committee may conciliate or arbitrate disputes arising from the terms, conditions and operation of training contracts and vocational placements, in accordance with section 52 of the Act.
Policies and guidelines for traineeships and apprenticeships in Tasmania [2014, 2018, 2021]
TasTAFE was formed in 2013 and is the largest public provider of vocational education and training in Tasmania. It is owned by the Tasmanian Government, and is established under the Training and Workforce Development Act 2013.
Annual reports in VOCEDplus
Industry Skills Advisory Council NT (ISACNT)
The Industry Skills Advisory Council NT (ISACNT) is an independent not-for-profit organisation that provides advice to and gathers intelligence on training package development, workforce development, skills shortages and workforce solutions in the Northern Territory. In January 2016, the Northern Territory Government agreed to establish a new independent incorporated association to provide industry-based advice to government as well as vocational education and training (VET) assistance and advice to industry. The Industry Skills Advisory Council Northern Territory Inc. was operational by 30 June 2016.
The Industry Skills Advisory Council NT represents all industry groups across the Northern Territory. It replaced six industry training advisory councils: Culture, Hospitality, Arts, Recreation, Tourism, Textiles, Entertainment and Sport Training Advisory Council; Human Services Training Advisory Council; Major Industries Training Advisory Council; Primary Industries Training Advisory Council; Service Industries Training Advisory Council; and Transport, Engineering, Automotive Training Advisory Council.
► Financial reports and annual information statements are available from the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT)
The Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) provides technical and further education in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and surrounding area. CIT is a territory authority established under the Canberra Institute of Technology Act 1987 (CIT Act). The CIT Act was amended in 2014 to replace the CIT Advisory Council with a governing board, which commenced operation on 1 July 2015. Governance of territory authorities is regulated by the Financial Management Act 1996 (FMA).
Training Fund Authority (TFA)
The ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority is the statutory body responsible for providing funding for the training of eligible workers in the ACT Building and Construction Industry. The responsibilities, governance and powers of the Authority are set out in the Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Act 1999. Established in May 1999 to administer an industry training fund, the Authority is responsible for the collection of a training Levy of 0.2%, calculated from the cost of the work exclusive of GST. The Levy is collected from building and construction work in the ACT, where the total cost exceeds $10,000 and meets the criteria as set out in the Schedule 1 'Work' of the Act. The Authority uses these funds and invests in projects and training that directly support the industry skills base in accordance with the current year's Training Plan.
Annual reports in VOCEDplus
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