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items of 2015 on page
- Valence of formal learning, employability and the moderating roles of transformational leadership and informal learning in the public sector (1)
- Valid competency assessment in higher education: framework, results, and further perspectives of the German research program KoKoHs (1)
- Validated individual learning pathways (1)
- Validating a marking rubric for evaluating staff knowledge of dementia for competency in residential aged care (1)
- Validating a mentoring relationship quality scale: does match strength predict match length? (1)
- Validating a model of strategic leadership practices for Malaysian vocational college educational leaders: a structural equation modeling approach (1)
- Validating an instrument for assessing workforce collaboration (1)
- Validating and applying an adapted OSLQ to examine adult learners' online self-regulation (1)
- Validating learner-based e-learning barriers: developing an instrument to aid e-learning implementation management and leadership (1)
- Validating NSSE against student outcomes: are they related? (1)
- Validating NVQ assessment: a report to the Employment Department (1)
- Validating professional standards for teachers: a practical guide for research design (1)
- Validating scholarship in university teaching: constructing a national scheme for external peer review of ICT-based teaching and learning resources (1)
- Validating the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) at a research-intensive university (1)
- Validating training benefits in the workplace (1)
- Validation and cross validation of the TAFE student satisfaction scales (1)
- Validation and moderation in diverse settings: final research report to the National Quality Council (1)
- Validation and open educational resources (OER): thematic report for the 2016 update of the European inventory on validation (1)
- Validation and recognition of non-formal learning: the questions of validity, reliability and legitimacy (1)
- Validation arrangements: a comparison between the exceptional admission to the apprenticeship-leave examination in Austria and the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences in Bulgaria (1)
- Validation experiences and persistence among community college students (1)
- Validation in the care and youth work sectors: thematic report for the 2016 update of the European inventory on validation (1)
- Validation in the Nordic countries: policy and practice (1)
- Validation is a question of identity: political and economic refugees in Slovenia (1)
- Validation of a comprehensive executive learning and development measure (1)
- Validation of competences and the professionalisation of teachers and trainers = Validation des acquis et professionnalisation des enseignants et formateurs (1)
- Validation of computer simulation for assessment of interpersonal skills (1)
- Validation of educational programmes: comparing models and best practices (1)
- Validation of formal, non-formal and informal learning: policy and practices in EU Member States (1)
- Validation of measurement scales for undergraduate students' self-perceived employability and university commitment in the United Arab Emirates (1)
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning for migrants and refugees (1)
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning from a European perspective: linking validation arrangements with national qualifications frameworks (1)
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Europe: a snapshot 2007 (1)
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning in the EU neighbouring countries and Central Asia: a cross-country analysis report (1)
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning: new opportunities for all? (1)
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning: research results (1)
- Validation of nonformal and informal learning outcomes in Latvia (1)
- Validation of predicting transfer instruments in Spain (1)
- Validation of prior learning: liberal adult education certificate as a tool for validation (1)
- Validation of SCANS competencies by a national job analysis study (1)
- Validation of sexological worldview: a construct for use in the training of sexologists in sexual diversity (1)
- Validation of skills, knowledge and experience in lifelong learning in Europe (1)
- Validation of student selection criteria for three courses: a report prepared for the Australian National Training Authority (1)
- Validation of the Chefs' Key Competencies Questionnaire: a culinary student perspective (1)
- Validation of the Employment Retention Inventory: an assessment tool of the National Institute of Corrections (1)
- Validation of the learning transfer system inventory: a study of supervisors in the public sector in Jordan (1)
- Validation of the Multi-Dimensional Student Perceptions of School Questionnaire (MSPSQ): early findings and next steps (1)
- Validation of the technology acceptance measure for pre-service teachers (TAMPST) on a Malaysian sample: a cross-cultural study (1)
- Validation of vocational qualifications: final report (1)
- Validation: in different ways (1)