Closing the digital skills gap of young port workers: a study of Makassar port

The past eight years have seen rapid infrastructure development in South Sulawesi with the building of several strategic projects such as railways, ports, highways, toll roads, dams and power plants. These new facilities provide an opportunity for young people, aged 16 to 30, to step into jobs that require digital knowledge and capabilities. By examining the major industrial facility of the port of Makassar we have found significant gaps in digital literacy between the education system and industrial needs, as well as within the current workforce. The gaps between education and port operations ... Show more

Authors: Kurnia, Sherah; Hidayanto, Achmad Nizar; Lawi, Armin; Dilnutt, Rod ... [+] Show more

Published: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia-Indonesia Centre, 2022

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 29 p.

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