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    The pathology of information and its cure

    Imagination is often not valued by adults and is often seen as a sign of immaturity. Many in the education communit... Show more

    Authors: Meyer, Kenneth

    Conference name: Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association Conference

    Date: 2011

    Geographic subjects: Australia; Oceania

    Resource type: Conference paper

    Subjects: Teaching and learning; Vocational education and training; Quality

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    Improving imagination skills in order to assist abstractive learning

    As a TAFE teacher for now over 15 years I noticed that many of my students had difficulty with abstract concepts. I... Show more

    Authors: Meyer, Kenneth

    Conference name: Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association Conference

    Date: 2013

    Geographic subjects: New South Wales; Australia; Oceania

    Resource type: Conference paper

    Subjects: Teaching and learning; Research; Outcomes ... [+] Show more