This event is divided into two separate but related focus sessions. The first explores research and case studies associated with the challenges in, and opportunities for, incorporating digital skills into VET delivery. The second session focuses on the implications for VET educators of the increasing need to include digital skills in VET delivery. These focus sessions are based on the following two good practice guides that can be downloaded from either the NCVER portal, or the Teaching and Learning page of the VOCEDplus VET Practitioner Resource: Incorporating digital skills into VET delivery and Teaching digital skills: implications for VET educators.
This page will host tweets from the second session focused on VET educators.
As a way of supporting a professional learning network focused on digital education, which will provide a supportive forum for the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and successes in teaching digital skills or teaching with digital technologies, participants in the second focus session are encouraged to tweet their responses to the following question using #myVETpln: "What is your favourite teaching app, tool or strategy?"