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    Research into college attendance patterns for electrical apprentices: literature survey

    Before making any changes to the existing college attendance patterns for electrical apprentices in the Adelaide me... Show more

    Authors: Burleigh, C. E.; Kuhl, Dean; Moller, S. R.

    Date: 1980

    Geographic subjects: Australia; Oceania; South Australia

    Resource type: Government report or paper

    Subjects: Participation; Teaching and learning; Outcomes ... [+] Show more

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    A survey of the furniture trades industry: training requirements for cabinet making

    The major purpose of the survey was to provide valid information for reviewing current courses in cabinetmaking. Th... Show more

    Authors: Kuhl, Dean; Rowett, G.; Burleigh, C. E.; Raftery, John ... [+] Show more

    Date: 1983

    Geographic subjects: South Australia; Australia; Oceania

    Resource type: Government report or paper

    Subjects: Vocational education and training; Teaching and learning; Industry ... [+] Show more